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How to draft the vision ...
Its a huge commitment

Agreeing to pursue a vision is a fundamental, core decision the key players on a strategic planning team make. It often is the hardest step in the strategy formulation process.

It's personal; it is a commitment; it inspires; it is compelling; it must be powerful.

Therefore, it can be very hard to craft. As a strategic planning process facilitator, I learned there are many techniques. First on this page, who does it, and then on the next two pages, how to write a vision or mission statement and the best written in the last 50 years - JFK's Man of the Moon vision.



The owners or CEO write and present it to their team.

A best practice variation, the strategic planning team has an in depth discussion about the strategy from the owner's perspective, then a talented writer crafts the text with the owner.

Senior executive presenting the vision


Around the table, together, debating each word and nuance.

Committee developing a vision


After much discussion, an editor circulates a draft for comment, with the owners or CEO having the last word.

The editing process, sharing a draft round robin

A person dreaming of the vision

Away from the office

The key players seek a consensus at a inspiring place. (Folks like this method and alcohol is often involved.)



previous page Purpose(or mission) and vision


Style for mission and vision text next page



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